"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"There is no room for division in the Dominican Republic."

Well, we made it back home (Santiago) from the Capital city of Santo Domingo this morning. We left here Monday afternoon and arrived to the walled in camp on the Coast of the South East side of the Island of the Dominican Republic. It was a beautiful 3 hour drive through the Mountains of the island and then on down to the Coast. We arrived there around 6 or so that evening. they walked me past the pool, and ping pong table then past the in-ground pool up the stairs to the 2 story cement building to our little room where we would call home for the next 48 hours. While other pastors from the Dominican were arriving we could smell the wonderful smell of something cooking from the kitchen area. Around 8 they called us all to the eating area which was a huge covered patio with tables and chairs all sat up waiting for us. Rice and beans and some kind of meat was on the menu. It wasn't bad at all! Then the pastors that was there all went into the church for a little while. Praysin and myself went up to the room! We went to bed around 12 or so. Tuesday morning came and we got up at 9 that morning and went town to breakfast. for breakfast it was a sandwich with some kind of cheese in it with a chocolate drink that was warmed with a hint of cinnamon taste to it. It was really different but really good.

By 10 that morning it had started raining! the kids were all in the pool while it was thundering and lighting. Lol! It was so funny cause when we normally at home are getting out, they were all heading in to swim! While they swam all the pastors were meeting and praying for and with each other! We heard them singing to a guitar. Later Ignacio and I were able to talk. He asked me if I understood what we were doing there that day. He said that at least once a year all the pastors in the Dominican would come together to chill and hang out together. they are able to come and fellowship, pray, and just enjoy their time with each other. They are very open with each other he says. He says they are able to help each other out with Ministry stuff. Like if someone is struggling with something in the church a pastor who has already done that is able to say" Well, we did this and it worked" or something like that. It is amazing to see pastor's who are so close knit together able to work and help each other out. The pastors here TRULY work together to reach the Dominican people. I believe that if the American would take this approach and really work together instead of against each other we might see more Revival in the American church! It was an amazing thing to see. Ignacio made a comment as we talked that I'll never forget. He said "There is no room for division in the Dominican Republic." If only in America we would realize that together, as ONE body of Christ, we would be able to reach more people for Christ! Makes me think of a scripture: Romans 12:4-5 "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others."
As we were there at the camp it is right next to the airport and so every time a plane would land or take off we knew it. that just got me to thinking when I was going home(USA) and got me down. But I remembered how Oswald Chamber's said we should take those things to God. when we are down and out that when we life our family or friends up to god He would life us up too! He did! It was great! When I got my focus off of being here and being so far from home. And how I miss my family and friends... I started praying for them and God lifted my spirit! He has proven himself faithful time and time again!
No plans for tonight.... they are having a meeting here of the leaders in Santiago, but that is all. I'll keep ya updated! Love you all! Keep pray for me and the Dominican church!

Grace and Peace,


  1. Great insight! He does prove Himself faithful!

  2. amazing post!! really - you did a great job - and how poignant - very insightful - i will remember ignacio's comment for a long time also - there is no room for division in the Dominican. - it is amazing how often we see this, not just in America as a whole, but in our individual churches - so sad, i should say

    praying for you and miss ya
    He is faithful!!
