"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My luggage finally came this morning! No more working in old clothes and flip-flops! Got up this morning and day 2 for me, day 3 for the group from Maryland working at the work site. The cemento mixer didn't arrive till nearly lunch so we weren't able to pour alot. But before it arrived we were hauling dirt by buckets, and wheel barrels out of the carport to an area that needed more dirt to make it level in order for us to pour concrete there. We got 1 side of the church sidewalk poured. Tomorrow we will work hard cause it is the last work day. We'll try to get the rest of it poured tomorrow. Pray that we get done what needs to be done! Pray for me!Love you all!

Grace and Peace,


  1. Glad you got your luggage back!

  2. you got it!!! lots of prayers going up for you - and I am with Rhonda, glad you got your clothes back - especially knowing the way you are about cleanliness :)
